Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

A scene from the alley

A cat living in a shrine

A cat living in a shrine

Streets of Onomichi

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat living in a shrine with tongue out

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Mt. Ishizuchi Chain Training

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

A cat living in a shrine

A cat living in a shrine

Mt. Ishizuchi Chain Training

Torii at the entrance of Ushitora Shrine (Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture)

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Cat of Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City

Sunset dinner at Setouchi Hideaway Resort Viena

cat looking up stairs

Setouchi Hideaway Resort Viena

Sunset seen from Setouchi Hideaway Resort Viena

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Sakura 015

Sakura sea town

Senkoji Temple, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture Senkoji Temple

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Sea and white bench Summer message

Looking into the torii of Itsukushima Shrine

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Statue of Raisanyo standing in the literary nookichi Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Hiroshima Onomichi Bridge and Shin-Onomichi Bridge

Statue of Raisanyo standing in the literary nookichi Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

A town with a view of the harbor

Sea and white bench Summer message

autumn park

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Ehime/Imabari View from Tatara Observatory

Ehime/Imabari View from Tatara Observatory

Scenery of Onomichi

Scenery of Onomichi

Ehime/Imabari Tatara Observatory

Back alley scenery in Onomichi

On a clear morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Tsuzumiiwa

On a sunny morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Koiwa

Scenery of Onomichi

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

On a sunny morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Koiwa

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

On a clear morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Tsuzumiiwa

On a clear morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Tsuzumiiwa

On a clear morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Tsuzumiiwa

Scenery of Onomichi

Hiroshima/Onomichi JR Onomichi Station new station building

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

On a clear morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Tsuzumiiwa

On a clear morning, overlooking the Onomichi Channel from Senkoji Park Tsuzumiiwa

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

View from the bell tower of Senkoji Temple Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Onomichi Station

A cat on the corner of Onomichi

Wind Chime Chinese Valentine's Day

Stone cat figurine and offering

Scenery of Onomichi

Night light bokeh

Onomichi circuit breaker

Yobuko Maru used in the now-defunct movie "Tomorrow"

A cat standing in an alley in Onomichi

Onomichi Senkoji Temple

Onomichi Ropeway

Senkoji Summit Observatory PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observation Deck PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observatory PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observation Deck PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observatory PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observation Deck PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observatory PEAK in the morning sun

Onomichi city bicycle parking sign

Senkoji Summit Observation Deck PEAK in the morning sun

Onomichi Station before rebuilding

Senkoji Summit Observatory PEAK in the morning sun

Senkoji Summit Observatory PEAK in the morning sun

Onomichi Night 2

Scenery of Onomichi

Scenery of Onomichi

Scenery of Onomichi
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