Camellia flowers shining in the early spring sunshine

Camellia flower


Camellia sasanqua and brown-eared bulbuls blooming on a mountain slope in early spring

Camellia sasanqua and Japanese white-eye blooming on a mountain slope in early spring

A Japanese white-eye dancing on a camellia

Camellia sasanqua

Camellia sasanqua

Camellia sasanqua


Camellia sasanqua

Camellia flowers and buds

Cute red flowers of camellia Winter flowers


Camellia flowers and buds

Cute red flowers of camellia Winter flowers

Camellia and Japanese white-eye

Camellia flowers blooming in the fields in early spring

Cute red flowers of camellia Winter flowers

Cute red flowers of camellia Winter flowers

Camellia blooming in late autumn


Cute red flowers of camellia Winter flowers



A Japanese white-eye peeking out from a camellia tree

Japanese white-eye and camellia

White-eye and camellia b

White-eye and camellia f

Camellia 006

Japanese white-eye and camellia flowers

Japanese white-eye among camellias


Camellia sasanqua macro photography

The brave camellia that can withstand the snow

White-eye and camellia c

White-eye and camellia

A Japanese white-eye sucking nectar from a camellia

camellia red flower sasanqua


White-eye and camellia

Japanese bush warbler and camellia c

A Japanese white-eye perched on a camellia

A moment with camellia flowers and a Japanese white-eye

Camellia sasanqua macro photography

Camellia sasanqua macro photography

Camellia sasanqua macro photography

Deep pink camellia flowers in winter

Japanese bush warbler and camellia b

camellia red flower sasanqua

The brave camellia that can withstand the snow

Camellia 004

Camellia 005


Camellia Sasanqua

Withered camellia

Japanese white-eye and camellia

Camellia sasanqua macro photography

Sasanqua and White-eye

Camellia sasanqua ⑶

Graceful double-flowered camellia


Camellia 2

The brave camellia that can withstand the snow

Camellia and Japanese white-eye

camellia red flower sasanqua

The brave camellia that can withstand the snow

Camellia sasanqua (2)

The brave camellia that can withstand the snow

Flower buds (Camellia sasanqua)

White-eye and camellia

Japanese bush warbler and camellia


Camellia in the blue sky







Camellia flower

Camellia and Japanese white-eye

Camellia -70

Camellia -69

Camellia -68

Camellia -66

Camellia -67


Camellia in full bloom

Camellia sasanqua (up)

Winter blue sky and camellia

Blooming in the cold winter sky

Blooming in the cold winter sky

Blooming in the cold winter sky

Blooming in the cold winter sky

Blooming in the cold winter sky

Camellia blooming in a winter park

Blooming in the cold winter sky

Camellia in the park

Blooming in the cold winter sky
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